NGC 7662 | Planetary Nebula "Blue Snowball"
- Instrument: f=1:5 Newton 150mm/f=750mm
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 12.1' * 12.1'
- Exposure time: 20 * 20 sec Composite (400 sec)
- Date: 17 August 2001, 22:00 UT
- Note: I am surprised; Processed with OES LcCCD and IRIS.
The Bright stars at the top have mag 10.46 and 11.95.
The latter is just visible if viewing through the telescope.
The faintest stars on this image have mag 14.6
M57 | NGC 6720 | Ring Nebula
- Instrument: f=1:5 Newton 150mm/f=750mm
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 12.1' * 12.1'
- Exposure time: 20 * 20 sec Composite (400 sec)
- Date: 17 August 2001, 21:00 UT
- Note: M57 Nebula Composite;
The central star (ca mag 15.3 - see XEphem) is visible.
I processed the image with IRIS. The star to the right is mag 12.3; almost unvisible through the Newtonian.
M92 | Globular Cluster"
- Instrument: f=1:5 Newton 150mm/f=750mm
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 12.1' * 12.1'
- Exposure time: 20 * 20 sec Composite (400 sec)
- Date: 17 August 2001, 22:15 UT
- Note: I am surprised; Processed with OES LcCCD and IRIS
M13 | Globular Cluster
- Instrument: f=1:5 Newton 150mm/f=750mm
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 12.1' * 12.1'
- Exposure time: 20 * 20 sec Composite (400 sec)
- Date: 17 August 2001, 22:25 UT
- Note: Fine Details
M31 | Andromeda galaxy
- Instrument: f=1:5 Newton 150mm/f=750mm
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 12.1' * 12.1'
- Exposure time: 20 * 20 sec Composite (400 sec)
- Date: 17 August 2001, 22:40 UT
- Note: Just the central portion
NGC 7789 | Open Cluster in Cassiopeia
- Instrument: f=1:5 Newton 150mm/f=750mm
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 12.1' * 12.1'
- Exposure time: 20 * 20 sec Composite (400 sec)
- Date: 17 August 2001, 22:50 UT
- Note: Here is another one I found ...
M51 | NGC5194/5195 | "Whirlpool Galaxy"
- Instrument: f=1:5 Refractor 80/400mm
- Filter: IR
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 22.6' * 22.6'
- Exposure time: 30*20 sec Composite (= 600 sec = 10 min)
- Date: 27 March 2001, 21:00 UT
- Weather: excellent.; temperatur ca -2 °C.;
freezing and windy
- Note: The image could have been quite nice, but as you see,
I do have some moiree on the image, where I have not found the
source of. It looks like some high frequency influence; maybe the wires I added for
gain control are picking up some signal from the system clock.
Almost in the middle of the exposure I realized an Aurora coming up.
M81 | NGC3031 | Galaxy nucleus
- Instrument: f=1:5 Newton 150mm/f=750mm
- Film: LcCCD 07 | Field of View : 12.1' * 12.1'
- Exposure time: 7 * 20 sec Composite (= 140 sec = 2 min 20 sec)
- Date: 13 January 2001, 18:30 UT
- Weather: just could see mag 4.5.; temperatur ca -3 °C.;
very wet and freezing
- Note: This experiment I made while very poor conditions. I
planned to make a series of 20 images, but after the 7 th take, fog
came up very rapidly. I improved the image with Christian Buil´s IRIS
programme, which does a fabulous job on image processing. Although there
is no detail, it shows me, that everything works again after the camera's
repair and modification.