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 Jupiter & Saturn (8 April 2003)

by Christoph Petermann

Last revision: 29 August 2003

Some information

On the evening of the 8 April 2003 it was very clear and calm. The first series of images were promising and I wanted to try the new Philips ToUcam 740k pro again with my refractor. But I was quite disappointed by the results of this very evening. The images even seemed much worse than those I made on the 23 February 2003. So I decided to leave the AVI files as they were and do not any processing. But in August 2003 I learned a lot about processing my images. So the picture below shows one of the first trials from April 2003 as first picture and the same image treated again in August as 2nd picture. Even it is some what over exposed, I never had so many details on Jupiter. The third image shows Saturn which came very poor on the AVI file but looks quite promising now.

The procedure is described below.


Registax Settings

The Alignment Window




 Text and All Images are Copyright by Christoph Petermann DF9CY

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