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 MARS Images WebCam (August 2003)

by Christoph Petermann

Some information

Mars opposition is close, but I did not find much time to take the whole equipment outside. I made a whole bunch of AVI files, but they are almost the same. Seeing was VERY bad. The images are taken with the GP 102M 102mm/1000mm Refractor and 18mm eyepiece projection. Camera is the Philips ToUcam Pro.

This image shows Mars taken with 299 AVI images. I treated them with IRIS, which give the best result for me. Used were at last 75 images.
Time: 10 August 2003 - 0126 MESZ (Summer Time) = 23.26 UT

Here is a black and white image, consisting of 100 images. I used all 100 images, as the seeing was not too bad at that very moment.
Time: 10 August 2003 - 0132 MESZ (Summer Time) = 23.32 UT

Mars calculated view for Time: 10 August 2003 - 0200 MESZ (Summer Time) = 0000 UT

 Text and All Images are Copyright by Christoph Petermann DF9CY

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