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The Sky - in 2004 (NIKON D70) |
by Christoph Petermann
The Venus - Jupiter conjunction in November 2004
A field close to the moon with M44 and M45
The moon on 4 September 2004. (Click on image). This is a crop from a larger colour frame.
An image of the north eastern sky at ca 23.30 local time (2130 UT). This is a stack of 5 images a 30 seconds at 200 ISO. Combined with IRIS (ADD_MAX function)
The rising of the Plejades M45. This is a single 5 Minutes exposure. You see the amp glow in the top left corner. I made no dark subtraction.
Armin Quante und sein DOBSON am Selenter See.
Die Milchstrasse über dem Teleskoptreffen am Selenter See. Etwas "stark" mit GIMP bearbeitet, um auch noch Konturen im Dunkeln heraus zu arbeiten.
Text and All Images are Copyright by Christoph Petermann DF9CY
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