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01 February 2005 Saturn with C8 and Webcam
by Christoph Petermann
The evening was promising clear and temperature about 0 degs Celsius. My system with the C8 and all the imaging stuff was outside quite early. I started out trying to collimate the C8. After reading some articles in the internet I tried to do something. I only tried to do this focal with the webcam on a Mag 3 star. I found collimation poor and after some trial and error on the allen wrenches (Inbus Schrauben) I got the out-of-focus circles somewhat concentric. Then I tried to take a number of images which came out to be the best I ever made of Saturn - but far of what can be made with a C8. Next time out I will improve collimation win projection mode.
Nevertheless here are some results with different image treatment. Programs I used were: PaintShop Pro 5.0; ImagesPlus 2.10; Registax 3.0, IRIS 4.30 and of course AIP4WIN (which decides to crash very often on my new computer ...)
This is a stack of 5 AVI films from the 1 February 2005 between 21.18 and 21.40 CET. It is my best ever Saturn image.
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All Images are Copyright by Christoph Petermann DF9CY
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