The evening of the 22 April 2005 was very calm and almost with very low humidity. Most impressing however was the phantastic seeing. For minutes Jupiter could be seen without any movement and warbling on the screen. This produced my best Jupiter images so far. After imaging Jupiter I took some Moon shots of Schroeter Valley and Schiller Crater.

Last update: 16 May 2005

21 April 2005 4th AVI FIle reworked
Instrument: C8 on GP with 25mm Ploessl projection
Imaging: ToUcam I; ca 75% of 1800 images at 10 fps (frames per second)(320x240 mode)
Location: Schwedeneck / Germany

This time I stacked the images again with Registax 3. Then the result was saved as three separate FITS image. These images were loaded into AIP4WIN, where I made the following things

I have seen better "Jupiters" than mine here taken with a C8. Nothing is perfect - perhaps the collimination has to be improved at first. This I had done only very roughly.

21 April 2005 22.00 MEZ/CET
Instrument: C8 on GP with 25mm Ploessl projection
Imaging: ToUcam I; ca 75% of 1800 images at 10 fps (frames per second)(320x240 mode)
Location: Schwedeneck / Germany
Treatment: Stacking with Registax, Optimizing with IRIS.

21 April 2005 22.00 MEZ/CET (Same image as above)
Instrument: C8 on GP with 25mm Ploessl projection
Imaging: ToUcam I; ca 75% of 1800 images at 10 fps (frames per second)(320x240 mode)
Location: Schwedeneck / Germany
Treatment: Stacking with Registax, Careful optimizing with AIP4WIN 1.4
Image processing with AIP4WIN from RAW image (stack by Registax 3 and Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution 2nd row.

21 April 2005 22.11 MEZ/CET
Instrument: C8 on GP with 25mm Ploessl projection
Imaging: ToUcam I; ca 75% of 1800 images at 10 fps (frames per second) (640x480 mode)
Location: Schwedeneck / Germany

MOON / Schroeter Valley
21 April 2005 22.40 MEZ/CET
Instrument: C8 on GP with 25mm Ploessl projection
Imaging: ToUcam I; ca 60% of 1800 images at 10 fps (frames per second)(640x480 mode)
Location: Schwedeneck / Germany

MOON / Schiller Crater
21 April 2005 22.34 MEZ/CET
Instrument: C8 on GP with 25mm Ploessl projection
Imaging: ToUcam I; ca 40% of 1800 images at 10 fps (frames per second) (640x480 mode)
Location: Schwedeneck / Germany