Here I have my best ever MARS images so far. Seeing was excellent and I spent again sometime in collimating my C8.
Last Edit: 23 October 2006 on Moon panorama.
MARS new versions
17 November 2005 2100UT
Average out of 5 AVI taken within 5 minutes.
Completely treated with ImagesPlus
First processing Version with Registax only.
My Mars Inage by Stefan
My Mars Image by Christian
17 November 2005 2058UT
Celestron C8 (orange) 203/2000mm f10 / Baader FringeKiller filter inserted
focal image
Philips ToUcam Pro (I) controlled by IRIS 5.10
10 fps ca 500 / 600 images.
Completely processed with Registax
MOON Mosaic (new version)
17 November 2005 ca 2218UT
Celestron C8 (orange) 203/2000mm f10 / Baader FringeKiller filter inserted
25mm Plössl eyepiece projection; f ca 6000mm
Philips ToUcam Pro (I) controlled by IRIS 5.10
10 fps ca 450 / 600 images.
Completely processed with Registax. Panorama made with AUTOSTICH and final work with Paintshop Pro 9.01 on 23 October 2006
I tried a mosaic here. Not perfectly done, but it gives some impression
MOON Mosaic (old version)
17 November 2005 ca 22185UT
Celestron C8 (orange) 203/2000mm f10 / Baader FringeKiller filter inserted
25mm Plössl eyepiece projection; f ca 6000mm
Philips ToUcam Pro (I) controlled by IRIS 5.10
10 fps ca 450 / 600 images.
Completely processed with Registax
I tried a mosaic here. Not perfectly done, but it gives some impression
17 November 2005 ca 2113UT
Celestron C8 (orange) 203/2000mm f10 / Baader FringeKiller filter inserted
25mm Plössl eyepiece projection; f ca 6000mm
Philips ToUcam Pro (I) controlled by IRIS 5.10
10 fps ca 200 / 600 images.
Completely processed with Registax
17 November 2005 ca 2122UT
Celestron C8 (orange) 203/2000mm f10 / Baader FringeKiller filter inserted
25mm Plössl eyepiece projection; f ca 6000mm
Philips ToUcam Pro (I) controlled by IRIS 5.10
10 fps ca 250 / 600 images.
Completely processed with Registax