Weather was very nice with a very clear sky. I set up my Nighthawk with the Nikon D7000. But as I am still trying out all the stuff, I did no autoguiding and also no flat- and darkfield images. The more was the surprise on the outcome of the images. I made a lot of images where most have a testcharacter. But two of them are shown here.
I only did some contrast enhancement and blue fringe reduction. No noise reduction done this time, so the images look somewhat rough.
On 29 October 2011 I purchased NeatImage, a noise reduction tool. I ran that tool and I could improve the images significantly. I uploaded the new images now.
Optics : StellarVue Nighthawk Achromat Refractor d=80mm f=480mm (f=1/6) : Intes MK-67 Maksutov Type Reflector d=150mm f=1800mm (f=1/12) Camera : NIKON D7000 DSLR unmodified : The Imaging Source DMK21AU4 monochrome USB highspeed camera : Philips ToUcam 740 Color WebCam Filter : IR/UV Cut, Astronomik H-Alpha, Astronomik RGB Mount : VIXEN GP with MT1 / Littlefoot Controller Guiding : PHD Aquisition : Robust Sony VAYO Notebook (Windows XP) or DELL 820 (Windows 7) Image Processing : ImagesPlus, NeatImage 7, PaintShopPro XI, PhotoShop LE 9, Registax 6, AviStack 2.0