Mar 9
My antennas are down - the rotator is broken and I have to wait until the replacement is here. So I have put up some red and green glasfibre tubes and put the 40m antenna to the top. Its centre is up 16.5 m
(Click here to see a big picture)

Listening sounds as if I am in another world than before. Signals are very much stronger and almost every CQ call produces a small pile-up. Big fun with this here. While writíng this text I am listening to some Japanes stations coming in fine. Some of them are already known and they are much stronger now. I again heard Brian, ZL3XDJ, who was at 599 level in CW - never heard him so strong before.

I ran WSPR last night and my 2 watt signal has been copied by about 100 stations around the world within 19 hours. Best before was 60 stations within 24 hours.

But when the other antennas will go up again, this fine antenna goes to its old place 7m meters lower. What a pity ...

Posted by Christoph Petermann

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