last revision: 28 May 2024

Kalender Generator für Microsoft EXCEL

Einfacher Kalender Generator für einen einseitigen Jahreskalender mit VB Makro.

Get a simple single sheet Calender for any Year with this Calender generator using Visual Basic macros.

KalGenCY.pdf mit Download Link

Free Space and Moonbounce (EME) Budget Calculator for Microsoft EXCEL

Version of 24 May 2024

This calculator lets you calculate EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) budget for you ham radio station, if you are intended to work on this mode. I made a rework of my original file from 1997, which has been available here. Feel free to download this EXCEL file and play with it.

Free Space and Moonbounce (EME) Budget Calculator by DF9CY Version 24 May 2024


CY DSLR Timer (Download)
Last update: 20 September 2007
Operating System: Win2000, WinXP, (VISTA ??)
Type of program: Executable; needs .NET Framework 2.0 or higher to be installed.
Features: This program controls your DSLR camera via the Serial Port (RTS signal). You need to have a special cable, which you either can buy or make yourself. A diagram will be published here. The program will NOT run without the .NET 2.0 Framework properly installed. If you do not have it, download the .NET 2.0 (or higher) framework from the Micro$oft site.

* Checks for valid COM ports (which can be USB/RS232 adapters).
* Minimal Shutter Release time in BULB mode 1s
* Maximal Shutter Release time in BULB mode is not limited ...
* Set Interval time (preset to 5 seconds)
* Set delay time for allowing storage to the camera memory.
* You may cancel execution at any time.

Disclaimer: You cannot make me responsible for any damage occuring to your (expensive) camera.

Send me suggestions of what can be improved or must be changed please. I have tested the program with several computers (home PC and notebooks) with Micro$oft WindowsXP (Home and Professional) and Windows 2000 installed. It worked fine on each of those. WindowsVista was not tested. With the latest version .NET Framework it should work.

There is no installer, because its size is only 28kB. Put it where you want to have it and simply run it. If you do not have a COM port available you must "free" a port or install a RS232-USB adapter.

Outlook: A later version will save your settings and you will be able to run script, which is especially useful for astroimaging DRI images.

Build your own cable.
Here is the schematics:

This circuit easily fits into a connector (socket/female) housing. Any NPN switching transistor will do the job. The red diode (1N4148) shall be used if you connect a NIKON (D70s; D80) camera. Reason is that the camera will only release shutter if both are pulled. I purchased two cable release (the original NIKON MC-DC1 and a chinese clone). the Chinese type has a standard 2.5mm stereo socket, which works like the CANON cable release sockets. There is NO modification necessary.

Image of the NIKON China Clone ...

Of course this cable does work with other 3rd party software like DSLRFOCUS, ImagesPlus and others.

Program Version History:

0.2: 2007-05-09: Bugfix in counting. You may use predefined exposure times and numbers. GUI is slightly modified.

0.1: 2007-04-27: Initial Version

All the above software is written by myself. So I have the copyright for it. In a few cases I had to adopt other authors routines to fit to my programs. They are of course not my work.

All software is available with its source code. There is no secret about it.

I can not made responsible for any damage that may occur by the use of these program routines.

Any hint or advice is appreciated.