First of all, the new antenna for 50 MHz is up on 22 February. This 6 element antenna I purchased from G0KSC and he calls it OP-DES design. First impression is a very different receive "feeling" to the 4 element, I have used throughout the past year. Some directions shown more noise and some a lot less noise, depending on whereto the antenna is pointed. Tropospheric signals I always receive show a bit more signal, as far I can see. But when the tower was still down with the new antenna pointing into the air, it was amazing silent. But still the antenna ist not tuned to the best matching, this will be done in the next days.
As I had the tower down, I took the chance to look after the preamplifier for the 2m antenna. Again a GaAs Fet transistor had to be changed. It is the 4th I have put into this SSB SuperAmp. They seem to be quite sensitive. Now the amplifier is working again and the station is sensitive. The first station received was almost 800 km away. Good start anyway.
By 27 February 2021 the antenna is completed and tuned. Excellent match now with VSWR of 1,07:1 or better from 50.0 .. 50.45 MHz.
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