Jan 19
In these days we have the chance to look for comet "Lovejoy" C/2014 Q2. Last saturday I met with astro-friends at the local observatory and we took photos of the comet. Watching the comet through the telescope is rather spectacular. My Images did not come out very well as it is very bright in the sky so close to the City. On the Images the comets tail is barely discernible. If have processed my images and you will find them HERE.

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Jan 14
Two long lasting major wind storms with gales of over 160 km/h in a row on 9 and 10 January 2015 were too much for the antenna rotator on the tower. The gear inside seems completely broken. A long rope fixes the antenna to prevent more damage especially to the coaxial cables. I have turned it to the North, so that I can work stations in an Aurora opening that may come up.

Dear Reader, if you have a good rotator (HAM IV type or better) and you do not need it anymore, let me know and we "might come into business" ...

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Jan 3
... dito ...

Posted by Christoph Petermann