Dec 18
Activity 7 MHz
Made about 750 FT contacts on 40m with my low hanging dipole. Phantastic results - but now is enough, I turned over to CW again.

Activity1296 MHz DL0SHF EME
Worked 35 stations on CW in the EME contest on the 2nd last November weekend, despite lots of trouble with the remote system.
On the 2nd December weekend I made 15 contacts in the new Q65 mode. This time the remote stuff worked without any problems.
# = mark new worked gridsquare
* = mark new worked country
bold = mark worked station / country
HRD = Heard only / stations outside Europe or very rare
WKD = Stations worked / two way contact.
Modes : CW, SSB, FT8, JT65A, Q65

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Oct 10
Activity 144 MHz
10 October 2021 Tropo, worked into SM0 and OH6
09 October 2021 Tropo, hrd 1100 km into SW France
05 October 2021 Some SSB contacts in NAC
September 2021 Repaired again preamplifier

Activity 50 MHz
Made only a few tropo contacts up to 500 km.

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Aug 25
Activity 50 MHz
15 August 2021 and later Except some Meteorscatter I did not see Sporadic E. All rapidly declined this year.
14 August 2021 No Es, No DX
13 August 2021 HRD DX: WW1L - already very late in the year.
.. 12 August 2021 not very active
05 .. 09 August 2021 travelling
04 August 2021 HRD WE4S, K0BBC, W8UN
03 August 2021 HRD HK2PJ, KP4EIT
02 August 2021 WKD WA9PIE (EM13), N5DG (EM20#) - HRD many VE1, VE2, K1, K2, N5NNH (EL29), CN, 5T
01 August 2021 WKD 9K2HN (LM30#), Z61DX* (KN02), some CW - HRD strong EU signals, 4X, OD, SU

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Jul 31
Activity 50 MHz
28 July 2021 HRD CN8, EA8
24 July 2021 HRD some EU only. No real Es
23 July 2021 HRD EA8, K1, K2, K4, K8 areas ~30 stations
22 July 2021 WKD WA3UTC (FM05), N9PGG (FM05), K4MOG (EM73), W3XY (FM19), KD8SI (EM79#), W4CHA (EL88), KP4RV (FK78) - HRD EA8, V31MA
17 July 2021 HRD CN8, 5T5
since 15 July 2021 very busy with other things, almost no time for radio :-(
8 .. 15 July 2021 ** Out on Vacation **
7 July 2021 HRD W3, W4, W5, VP2V/~
6 July 2021 HRD VO1, W1, VP2V/K3TRM, OX3LX, Many NA > 30 stations
5 July 2021 HRD W5AFY, VP2V/K3TRM, KP2, KP4, HZ, EA8
4 July 2021 HRD 7* JA, UK9AA, EA8, CU, 4X, HZ, TF, VE1, many U.S. >30, HK3PJ, PV8DX, VE7SL
3 July 2021 WKD WB8ZBT (EM55#) - HRD DS4EOI, 4* JA, EA8, CN8, CU, XE2X (EL06), W5 (EM..)
2 July 2021 WKD N4SIX (FM04#), WB4JWM (EM83), NG4C (FM16), K0GU (DN70#), W3GQ (EM95), NK0S (FM14#), W7CP (EM97#), K6ND (FN10), N4TL (FM05#), ND4X (EM57#), K4DET (FM17), K4SO (FM18), WD4ELG (FM06), N0KV (DM79#), AI9F (EM58#810), WA4Q (EM57), AJ9C (EN70), W9FFA (EM69), K8ROK (EN80#), KC0CF (EN32#), N0TB (EN34#)- HRD JA4LKB, UN3G, HZ, 9K, 4X, WP4, FG, PV8 - then band opened to NA - received were more than 300 callsigns on 50313 and 50323 kHz in FT8. Made 20 contacts and a good number of new # grids.
2 July 2021 received North (and South) America. Counted > 300 callsigns. Only PSK Reprter shown here.

1 July 2021 WKD W8PAT (EN81#), WZ8D (EM89), VE3ARF (FN25), KK2I (FN03), K2DH (FN13), K3UA (EN91), VE3NRG (FN25), K4WMS (FM17) - HRD A6, KP4, FG, HK3PJ (FJ34), K0GU (DN70)

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Jun 30
Activity 144 MHz
25 June 2021 HRD SporadicE : EA6SA
16 June 2021 WKD SporadicE : EA5WU (IM98), EA5U (IM98), EA5ABG (IM99#)
16 June 2021 - DF9CY Signal in Sporadic E opening to EA on 144 MHz

Missed 2nd opening | 3rd opening to EA/CT/IT9 : WKD EC7AKV (IM77aj#), IT9GSF (JM67#), CT1FFU (IM59#)
16 June 2021 40 Stations Received in 3rd opening on 144MHz

3 June 2021 HRD SporadicE UT5ST (KN28)

Activity 50 MHz
30 June 2021 WKD JA3BXF (PM74), JK2TTP (PM83#), JA4CQS (PM64), JA6LCJ (PM52#), BA4MY (OM86#), JA4LKB (PM53), DS4EOI (PM37#), JH6RKI (PM53), JA6JEW (PM53), HL3GOB (PM36#), JA4EPE (PM53), JE6HJT (PM53), JA6RJK (PM53), JH5MXB (PM63), JA6BZI (PM53), JA6TEW (PM53), JG6TPY (PM53), JA6VQA (PM53), JE6AZU (PM51#800), JF2EEK (PM85), JH6PFY (PM53), JH0INP (PM96), JA1RJU (PM95), JI1WTF (PM95) then turned antenna and immediately: W4MAY (EL97), KO4MA (EL88) .. Little later : 9K2YM (LL48#)- HRD UN3G, T6, 6* BA, 6* HL, BG0BBB (NN33), HL5OC (PM45), AP2AM (big pile), 100* JA, W4, W5, 5T, 9Z4Y, YV5IUA
29 June 2021 HRD 15* JA, HL3GOB
28 June 2021 WKD W4AS (EL95), NK4L (EL95), AC4TO (EM70), K5EK (FM03#), J35X* (FK92#) - HRD 5* JA, 5* KP4, 3* HI, CU, 9Y, 5* K, FG (TO11A), XE2OR, J79TWA
27 June 2021 - a "black" day -
26 June 2021 WKD A61DD (LL85#), TA2LG (KN50), OD5ET (KM73), 10*EU in CW - HRD 9K, OD, A6, BA4SI, EA8, A7, A4, UN, 4X, FG, HI, KP4, 5T
25 June 2021 WKD EU in CW - HRD JA6CGE, SU1SK, 4X, EA8, KP4, HZ, 7X
24 June 2021 HRD 4* JA, UN, EA8, CN8,
23 June 2021 HRD JE1BHT (PM51), 9K, UN, HZ, A7
22 June 2021 HRD only N4II (EM70) - very silent day
21 June 2021WKD KA1QBO (FN42), K1YOW (FN42), N1KWF (FN32), AB1OC (FN42), W4AS (EL95), VY2MI (FN86), KB1RZA (FN31), N1MIW (FN41), W4FZ (FM18) - HRD UN, TZ4AM (CW), 5T, 7X, EA8, S01, W4, A6, 9Y
20 June 2021 WKD OX3LX (GP60), VO1SIX, TF3LB, CN, CU - HRD OX3HI (GP47), VY2, VE1, S01, EA8, HI, 5T, NP4, TZ, TR8, CN, 9Y, about ~80 from NA
19 June 2021 WKD JR7GBL (QN00), JK2AQT (PM94), JA0KJD (PM85), JH6VXP (PM53), JA7WSZ (QM07#), JE2DZC (PM84), JE0ART (PM96), JA1MLV (PM86), JE1CCD (PM95), JA0IXW (PM86), JN1GTG (PM95), JA0IXW (PM86), JH1HRJ (PM95), UN8GEQ (MN83), UN0LK (MO13) later : WU1ITU (FN67), N4EME (FM26) - HRD BY, JT1, and 80+ JA
18 June 2021 WKD K1DG (FN42), K2IL (EL97), N1TQ (FN42), KX4TT (EL87), K1ZZ (FN31), K1AR (FN42) - HRD A6, 9K, UN, CN8, 4X, EA8, VE1 and 250+ NA stations in the evening
17 June 2021 WKD CN8LI (IM63), K3SX (FM19), WA2FGK (FN21), AA1ON (FN42), NA2NY (FN33), W9DR (EM78), KD2CYU (FN20), KM3T (FN42), W4MW (EM96), AC4BV (FM17), W2IRT (FN20) and some EU in CW - HRD VR2XYL, BA7IO, 4X, EA8, CU, XE2X (EL02), more than 200 USA
17 June 2021 - More than 200 stations from USA and Canada and 1(!) from Mexico (XE) received.

16 June 2021 WKD C31CT (CW) - HRD T6AA; 4X, 5B, EA8, TZ4AM, 7X, 5T, HI, UN, 4* W4 (Fla)
15 June 2021 HRD 9* JA, HL3GOB, 9K, EY, KP4, KP2, W4UM
14 June 2021 WKD T6AA (MM44), J69DS (FK94), KP4DGW (FK68), HI8S (FK58), HI8AYR (FK58), WP3R (FK68), TA7Q (KN91#790) - HRD 5* JA, A65, 5B, KP2, 3* HI, 4* W4 (Fla)
13 June 2021 HRD EU backscatter is strong, HZ, 4X, OD, 5B, CN, CU
12 June 2021 WKD BG6SNJ (OM50lq#) - HRD 5T, 9K, EA8
11 June 2021 WKD some F, G - 4X1YS (KM71 SSB) - HRD W4UM, W4AS, HZ, 9K, 5B, 4X, OD, CN8, EA8
10 June 2021 HRD T6AA, 9K, A4, 4X, S01, EA8, CU, 3* KP4, 2* PV8, 9Y
9 June 2021 Band open 04 UT - WKD VU2BGS (MK82#), EA1AAE (IN81#) - HRD 9M2TO (OJ05), VU2CPL (MK83), 4X, 9K, UN, HZ, A4, A6, A7, 5B, EA8, CN8, 5T, CU
8 June 2021 WKD ~20* EA.. - HRD EA8, CU
7 June 2021 HRD JA7QVI, JA7WSZ, EA8, 7X, CN and VA3NCD (FN03)
6 June 2021 WKD A65IN (LL74#), A92GE (LL56), JR3REX (PM74), JH4MGU (PM75), JG4BLW (PM75), JI4POR (PM65#), JG3IFX (PM74), JG3QZN (PM74), JA4DND (PM65) - HRD 12* JA, A9, A6, 9K
5 June 2021 WKD HZ1SK (KL91#) - HRD VO1SIX at 08:15 UT really early, YI1SAL (LM23), 4X, OD, 5B, EA8
4 June 2021 WKD VO1AW (GN28#), WW1L (FN54), NE1B (FN42), VE1JBC (FN73#), VE3EDY (EN83ua#), VE3CFK (EN82), VE3EK (FN03), VE3EJ (FN03), AB1OC (FN42), VE3HP (FN03), 9Y4D (FK90), PV8ABC (FJ92), N1JFU, NE1B, K1BQP, N1QDQ, NR1R, AA1V, WA1NPZ and then in CW: K1OT, VO1HP and inSSB: VO1FOG with S9++ - HRD4* JA, UN, 4X, A4, A6, HZ, 9K, EA8, CN8 - Flags on CQ in VO, VE1, K4, VE3, VE9, W6 : W6TOD (DM15), N6WS (CM95), K6KLY (CM87) and more. The band was open to NA from 11:00 UT until 01:00 UT next day.
4 June 2021 - My signal received in the U.S. - See West Coast

3 June 2021 WKD EB8AC (IL28), LA9VFA (KQ40), 9K2NO (LL39), A41CK (LL93), HZ1TT (LL25), A71AM (LL55) - HRD UN7JX (NN19), JA6TEW (PM53), EK, 4X, A6, A9, 3* KP4, KP2BH, KP2/K0BZ5T, 3* HI, PV8ABC, PV8BR, HK3PJ, ZF1EJ, TF, HC1HC, HC2FG
2 June 2021 WKD UN7PBK (MN69#780) - HRD UN9L, 5B, BD8NBG, JT, EA8, S01, TR8CA
1 June 2021 WKD VU2DED* (ML88#), VR2XYL (OL72), UK7AL (MN41) - HRD many 10*BA, UN, 4X, EK, CN, EA8, EA9

Posted by Christoph Petermann

May 31
Activity 144 MHz
30 May 2021 WKD G, GW4 - HRD GI - Lost preamplifier again
29 May 2021 Missed opening while sitting in the sun ...
25 May 2021 Several openings today :
25 May 2021 - 144 MHz - FT8 Signals received in several openings

WKD IK7XWJ (JN90#339), I7OXH (JN90), IZ7NLJ (JN81), IK7LMX (JN80#340), S59GS (JN75) all in SSB - HRD EA6, SV8 - in a later opening HRD UA3/UA4 up to 2400 km (LO31) (No QSO then) : RW3VM (KO94), RA3RF (LO03), UA4UT (LO14), RX2D (KO85), UA3GDX (KO92), RK2P (KO93), RO3X (KO73), RG4D (LO31 2410km), RG2B (KO85), RO3X (KO73), RA3DGP (KO95), R2DFF (KO86), RV3A (KO85)
23 May 2021 WKD US8AR (KO60#338) 1st Es on 2m - HRD UY1HY, UY0LS/A, UR5LX, UX5KL, UT8AL

Activity 50 MHz
31 May 2021 WKD UN9LEI (MO22#778), UN7JOV (NO00), UN7LZ (MO13) - HRD EA8, CN8, 7X
30 May 2021 HRD EA8, EA9, S01, CN8
29 May 2021 WKD VP2EIH (FK88) for surprise on CQ, HB0, RU3AKS (KO85), UN3GX - HRD 3W1T (OL33), BH7ACO (OL68), 9K, A4
28 May 2021 quiet start HRD VO1CH, VO1HP
27 May 2021 quiet day at all HRD HZ, 4X
26 May 2021HRD A9, 4X, 5B and lot of EU
25 May 2021 WKD TA1D (KM56#777) - HRD 14*JA, JT1, BV, JA6, HZ, 9K, 7X, 4X, 5B, EA8, OD, UN - 1st Far East this year
25 May 2021 Some "Real" DX ...

24 May 2021 WKD UN3M - HRD 4X, 5T, KP2, W2, EA8
23 May 2021 WKD UN3G, CN8KD (CW) - HRD EY8MM, VR2XYL (OL72), JR6FC (PL36), OD, Z81D, HZ, 4X, KP4, KP2, VP2E, HI, 7X, CN8, S01, 9Y, FG5, J6, YV5
22 May 2021 HRD UN, RW5C (?)
21 May 2021 HRD BV6CC (PL03)
Good DX 21 May 2021: BV6CC out of the blue

20 May 2021 WKD UN1EAU (MO43#776), EA8 - HRD UN, VO1, VE1,2,3 (early), S01
19 May 2021 WKD WP4G, KP4TG, KP4JFR, NP3DM, WP3UX (all FK68), KP4RV (KP78), N1DG(FN42), K1SX (FN41), FG5GP (FK96), W2SM (FN20), WA1EAZ (FN42), K1LO (FN42), K3AJ (FM19), N2OO (FM29), W1FKF (FN43) and NP2J (FK77)) in CW! - HRD CN8, EA8, CU, KP4, VP2EIH, K1WHS, VO1, VE1, VE2, VE3 - received more than 100 stations - got flags in HK (Columbia)
18 May 2021 HRD TA, 5B, 4X, OD, EA8, 5T5PA
17 May 2021 -
16 May 2021 -
15 May 2021 WKD EA, CU - HRD 5T, EA8
14 May 2021 WKD EU - HRD CU, S01 ==> flag in VO1
13 May 2021 WKD UW5ZM (KN57#774), SE3X (JP63#775) + Europe (FT8 &CW) - HRD 9K, A4, A6, HZ, 4X, CU ==> my CQ was hrd in VE1 & W1 (!)
12 May 2021 HRD HZ
11 May 2021 HRD A45XR
10 May 2021 WKD TA4SO (KM47#773) - HRD A92, A65, A45, A7, 4X, 9K, HZ = getting more interesting now
9 May 2021 HRD EA8, CT3
8 May 2021 HRD UN, CN8, C31
=== reporting mainly DX from outside EU from now on ===
7 May 2021 WKD several EA in CW - HRD 4X, 5B
4 May 2021 HRD some EA7, IS0 and other EU
3 May 2021 HRD EA8
2 May 2021 WKD 7S2W - HRD SM3, SM2, LY, ES, OH

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Apr 30
Activity 144 MHz
4 April 2021 WKD F, G - HRD GM, GW, GI, G, EI, F (1290km)
3 April 2021 HRD GM, G
2 April 2021 WKD G with good signals HRD GI, GW
1 April 2021 WKD GM

Activity 50 MHz
28 April 2021 HRD TT8SN in CW!
26April 2021 HRD YO, SV, 4O and LZ
24 April 2021 Lots of activity HRD. Most are long Meteor reflections.
23 April 2021 Openings to CT, EA7,EA4, Southern F and UB (Ukraine)
21 April 2021 Short opening to SM2
20 April 2021 Short Sporadic E to IT9, IS0, I8 and later to OH and SM2
19 .. 23 April 2021 listened to Meteorscattersignal of many stations
18 April 2021 HRD 4X4DK (FT8) some periods - first DX this year
April 2021 No QSOs, trying JTMS, MSHV and WSJT in parallel

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Mar 30
Activity 50 MHz
.. 27 March 2021 Testing Meteorscatter, Q65 and all those things ...
13 March 2021 Some very strong sporadic E signals to Spain seen. No contact made.
1++ March 2021 Further testing the new antenna, which is doing fine

Activity 144 MHz
28 March 2021 Received SM2BYC and RX1AS at moonrise with a good signal.
.. 27 March 2021 Testing Q65 with G stations with and without success...
23 March 2021 HRD some F and G in tropo opening
1 March 2021 WKD SP5WCK #KO12 Worked a lot of stations in good conditions from GM, SM3 to SP up to 900km

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Mar 13
All dimensions of my new 6m OP-DES 6 elements antenna from G0KSC I entered into my EZNEC 6+ simulation software. The result was amazing and very close to that shown at the InnovAntennas site. Here is a direct link to the simulation : OP-DES 6 ele 50 MHz

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Feb 27
Image of the current antennas for 2m and 6m (new on top) and the preamplifiers

First of all, the new antenna for 50 MHz is up on 22 February. This 6 element antenna I purchased from G0KSC and he calls it OP-DES design. First impression is a very different receive "feeling" to the 4 element, I have used throughout the past year. Some directions shown more noise and some a lot less noise, depending on whereto the antenna is pointed. Tropospheric signals I always receive show a bit more signal, as far I can see. But when the tower was still down with the new antenna pointing into the air, it was amazing silent. But still the antenna ist not tuned to the best matching, this will be done in the next days.
As I had the tower down, I took the chance to look after the preamplifier for the 2m antenna. Again a GaAs Fet transistor had to be changed. It is the 4th I have put into this SSB SuperAmp. They seem to be quite sensitive. Now the amplifier is working again and the station is sensitive. The first station received was almost 800 km away. Good start anyway.

By 27 February 2021 the antenna is completed and tuned. Excellent match now with VSWR of 1,07:1 or better from 50.0 .. 50.45 MHz.

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Feb 27
Activity 50 MHz
27 February 2021 Completed the antenna
25/26 February 2021 Tried to receive signals from the moon. I think now, noise levels are too high.
23 February 2021 Made some digital contacts - antenna working well.
22 February 2021 New 6 element for 6m is up in 12m.
6 .. 19 February 2021 Extensivly tested the new WSJT mode Q65 with a good number of contacts up to 1200km.

Activity 144 MHz
27 February 2021 First time after long time heard signals off the moon on 2m (RX1AS)

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Jan 31
Activity 144 MHz
30 January 2021 WKD a few stations in PA and ON in FT8-mode
Low activity due being busy with other things.

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Dec 19
Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year 2021.
Stay safe and I hope to meet you all on the bands again then.
A lot of radio-friends are ollowing me on Facebook :

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Dec 19
Activity 144 MHz

12/13 December 2020 WKD 3 stations via Meteorscatter (MSK144) in I, F and RA1 first time after 12 years.

Posted by Christoph Petermann

Nov 30
Activity 144 MHz
30 November 2020 Late night 2m was open to South-West France. Only receiving.
21 November 2020 Worked some PA at about 450km, when suddenly EA1MX was in here for 15 Minutes over 1500km.
10 November 2020 Band open to OH, SM0, LY. Worked a whole bunch of stations over 1000km.
7/8 November 2020 Despite a broken preamplifier I could work about 22 stations in CW in the Marconi Memorial Contest (MMC2020). 730 km was longest distance into Southern Germany.
3 November 2020 10 QSOs in Nordic Activity Contest (NAC) in SSB/CW to OZ,SM4, SM0 until PreAmplifier went dead.

Activity 1296 MHz DL0SHF Remote
28/29 November 2020 ARRL EME Contest Part II. Made 34 more contacts for a total of exactly 100 - all in CW mode. Some dupe contacts, so resulting in 89 stations worked on 23cm. Had some computer problems in between.
27 November 2020 Worked some stations in JT65C mode
7/8 November 2020 Worked 7 stations in JT65C mode. Most of them were very small stations with one or two yagi antennas and power around 150 watts. Charlie G3WDG joined the group of operators at DL0SHF. Welcome

Posted by Christoph Petermann

(Page 13 of 15, totaling 224 entries)